What is Healing, Anyway?

The more I learn, it seems the less I know. I think that is actually the point. In this ten seconds, this is what I know about healing.

Healing is the process of unwinding everything you thought you knew. Surprise surprise, probably 99% of what we have taken on and believed as real and true, is nothing more than a layering on of heavy muck so thick that we cannot even see through to the essence of who we really are. Healing is not only about healing illness or disease in the body, it is also about releasing dysfunctional emotional patterns as well as manifesting our greatest desires. What is most important is following the guidance of your higher self. As much as the ego might not like situations that we have found ourselves in, there is always a part within us that has created our circumstances because there is a lesson to learn or a pattern to break. On our healing journey, we come to recognize that those programs/patterns usually are not even ours. These programs may have been passed down from our lineage, culture or are the result of unresolved traumas in this or a past life. However they have been hidden so deeply in the subconscious and the cells of our body so that we don’t even know they are creating our undesirable life circumstances.

Until a client is authentically ready to make the choice to clear old patterns, stories, limiting beliefs, traumas, there is nothing that anyone could do to facilitate that change as the true healer is the client him/herself within.

It requires full acceptance and accountability for our current circumstances. It can be quite humbling. However, once we are ready to become fully accountable for our choices and actions, the journey of true healing can begin. Although there can be great discomfort in the process at times, nothing compares to the exquisite sensation of coming back into our true nature as a divine and fully empowered, sovereign being, ready and with the skills to create and manifest a brilliant future.

Lotus Represents Transformation from the Muck into Bliss

Lotus Represents Transformation from the Muck into Bliss


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